I thought another segment of "I can't help but wonder" was in order today. I found myself wondering about a couple things on the way to work this morning.
I can't help but wonder...
Why the fuck obese people complain about their weight and then go out for lunch and order 2 value meals at McD's. Super-sized. I don't get it. Listen, I have nothing against the obese, or the crippled or Carnies for that matter. But I hate the incessant complainers who refuse to do a damn thing about their situations. I can't go into too much detail, but I work with several of the gravitationally challenged. I hear most of them complaning in the bathroom about their weight, and about how it's so hard to get out of bed, and about how they dread sitting on the toilet (wiping must be a fucking nightmare)...and I feel bad. But when I see them in the cafeteria with two helpings of shepard's pie, four rolls, unlimited butter, a sandwich, two puddings and three brownies, my good samaritan disposition goes out the window. Eat a fucking vegetable. Jesus.
I can't help but wonder...
Why Dunkin' Donuts even bothers to make the cinnamon and powdered munchkins. I go into the same DD about three times a week for my iced coffee and occasional bagel. If I'm in a good mood, I bring back 25 munchkins for the sales team here. But I always go for the chocolate/jelly/glazed assortment. I've never once ordered cinnamon or powdered and I never will. Not to mention, I don't think I've ever been in there when the two respective bins for the cinnamon and powdered weren't completely full. No one orders that kind unless they don't specifically ask for only the chocolate/jelly/glazed combo. And frankly, you're retarded if you don't specify that combo. One thing you can be sure of: if someone in your circle(s) has eaten a powdered donut or munchkin, it will be blatantly obvious because they will be covered in powder. Be careful, though...try not to mistaken he who has eaten a powdered donut with he who has snorted coke in the bathroom.
I can't help but wonder...
Is it ever going to snow again in New England? It's to the point where I'll see a report that it's going to snow, I'll look outside and comment that it 'looks like snow', but in the back of my head I know that it's a crock of shit. Do you know that it's snowed more in Malibu than it has here in Boston so far this winter? Yes, Malibu. This city needs a snowstorm to feel normal again I think. Christ, this place is upside-down as of late. I wrote about how backwards the weather was making things back in November when it was 75 degrees. At least the Patriots were still normal then...in case you missed it, they lost the AFC Championship to the Colts on a late, game-winning drive that was orchestrated by Peyton Manning. What a backwards fucking world it is. Please god, make it snow a shit-load at some point soon. I can't take this anymore. I need to feel normal again. (I also want work to be closed)
want snow? colder weather? take some of ours. no, really, have some. it's all yours. you don't have to thank me, dude. the pleasure is all on this side of the table.
I really just want the day off, bro. I walked a mile in 20 degree weather last night, trying to find a cab after the C's game. Balls. I just wouldn't mind a little powder for a change.
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