13 December 2006

More Haiku

For Daisuke:

Fitty-dollah bill!
Daisuke is Japanese
Fitty-dollah bill!

For the Dolphins:

Buy a victory
Harrington is a huge bitch
Buy a quarterback

For Albert Haynesworth:

Giant man stomp face
Fat bastard. You should be shot.
League gives slap on wrist

For Rich Levine:

Two turtles. Yes, two.
You can't take care of yourself.
Vegas, man. Vegas.

For Eric Fornari:

Are you ready bitch?
Leave your stethoscope at home
Bring some adderol.

For Carl Fierimonte III:

Stanley is prepared
Twenty-four ounce Porterhouse
I'm afraid for us

For Lauren Cohn:

Learn how to clean stuff
Cleaning makes the world go 'round
And I'm hispanic

I'm all Haiku'd out
Time to stop being poet
Regular blog now

England is experiencing an overwhelming growth in the hedgehog population. Due to unseasonably warm temperatures, hedgehogs have been able to prolong their mating season and what was once a scarce species is experiencing an increase in numbers for the first time in years. In an unrelated story, the restaurant chain Sonic is also experiencing rapid growth in England.


richlevine said...

At the risk of sounding ungrateful... the first line of my haiku only has four phonetic units. Telly take care turtles while we go Vegas

Charles said...

Me fix.

nina beana said...

duuuuuude...i'm going to try and not be offended that i didn't get my own haiku.