26 March 2007


I just read something about the looming possibility of the words 'Mum' and 'Dad' bordering on politically incorrect for those that may not have a mother or a father, per se. Further, using these words when addressing a group as a whole could potentially offend those who have gay parents. I don't know about you...and believe me, I am liberal and have nothing against those with an alternative lifestyle or those with same-sex parents; I support the gay community as much as I can...but enough is enough with the censorship when it comes to who we could possibly offend. Pretty soon, we're going to have to do away with proper names altogether.

The whole idea of political correctness has reared itself in sports over past few months, and shock waves have been sent across the country as a result. You look at the John Amaechi/Tim Hardaway incident and you have to think to yourself that someone like Tim Hardaway isn't exactly helping the cause. I love how he said "it's not natural". Neither was your cross-over Tim, but you didn't hear people saying descpicable things about you, did you? I hate that comment anyway, that it's not natural. If it's not a natural thing, as in it's something that perhaps they have a choice in the matter, should we just hold a gay lottery for all the newborn children each year in which a percentage draw the gay card and therefore are raised as such? Yeah, Hardaway's a loser and he's ignorant and he won't have a job in sports ever again, but I also don't think Amaechi had just reasons for coming out to the public or to ESPN. As someone said shortly thereafter, it takes a lot more sack to do it when you're actually still in the league and it won't really matter until that happens (I don't see what Kobe's waiting for...do it now, man!)

To be frank, I really don't know where I stand on the issue of gays in sports. I don't think they should be singled out because it might make other athletes uncomfortable, and that's really my only opinion. If you're a great basketball player, hockey player, what-have-you, your orientation makes no difference. It makes no difference if you're mediocre or even terrible, for that matter. And you're never going to see a pro football player come out of the closet while he's still playing. We might see it in basketball, but I fear what the consequences for that player might be. He'll make millions and millions from the book and subsequent movie that follows and he'll be a poster boy for everything-gay for the rest of his life, but I can't imagine he'll want to remain in the NBA because I'm certain other players and organizations would make him miserable. It might not be fair but it's the way it will be and the way it is. Hardaway is a prime example of that ignorance. I just hope that when that gay pioneer in basketball comes forward, he's not playing for the Wizzards because he's gonna have a real issue with their alternate jerseys.

Top Five Jerseys A Gay Man Would Have An Issue With: (or a metrosexual man)

1. the aforementioned Wiz alternate. I don't see a team color in there, for pete's sake.

2. 1995 Pistons away jerseys. Teal? And orange? Purely offensive.

3. Bruins alternate jerseys. Yellow, with a giant bear head on it. Effeminate and intimidating?

4. Cleveland Browns home jerseys. Brown may be the new blue, but not with orange.

5. Any of the Marlins jerseys. Again, teal. No room for teal in sports, and I don't care what your orientation is.


Anonymous said...

3. Bruins alternate jerseys. Yellow, with a giant bear head on it. Effeminate and intimidating?

I just laughed out loud at work, you almost got me fired. . .


nina beana said...

you are freakin' hysterical. i didn't know anything about this whole gay sports thing, but i found it enlightening. you have a way with words...you should probably be getting paid for it.

also, if you don't come over soon, we may have to divorce you as our friend. you can bring la, too. i promise not to scare her away with incense and pathouli.

Charles said...

Wow...not one, but TWO Gilberts in one 20 minute span. To what do I owe this treat?

You know, I left Johnny a message on his cell a week ago...something I had never done before, and I received no call back. Perhaps it was a taste of my own medicine, I don't know. Anyway, let's just make plans and stick to them so we can all hang out soon.