12 October 2006

This statement is actually a question?

I'm pretty pissed off today. Sometimes I have these moments of clarity where I can clearly see all of the stressors in my life and I focus on them. Today is one of those days and every, little thing is angering me deeply. I had a Cheez-It a minute ago that had one granule of salt on it, and all the rest had at least two. I yelled at it, then chewed it extra hard. Boy, I bet I really hurt that Cheez-It. Betcha I did. Oh boy, oh boy. I am fucking losing it.

Here's what really irks me, and especially today: people who say everything as if it were a fucking question. Why do people do that? I really don't understand and it is so aggrevating. Listen pal, if you're telling me something, tell me. Don't ask me. Let me give you an example:

"Here's the packet you asked for." -to which I'd reply "Ok, thanks."

"Here the packet you asked for?" -to which I'd reply "Wait, are you asking me if this is it? You know what I asked for and quite frankly, if this is too confusing for you, maybe you should consider a career that requires zero intelligence as opposed to minimal intelligence."

You all know what I'm talking about. If it's not a question, there is a way to manipulate the pitch in your voice to denote that it is a statement. If you passed the 1st grade you'd probably be well aware of this.

Of course I have this gripe because I work with someone who has this disease; this malfunction. Most days I can handle it until 5pm rolls around. And then I get a little bothered but the thought of the end of the day nearing quells my anger. But not today. I've been incensed by the whole thing since 7:50am, the exact second I sat down and heard "Good morning?" Maybe I should have answered that as if said co-worker was asking me if it was a good morning. Perhaps I wouldn't be in this predicament. Could be that I'd have opened said co-workers eyes to the sheer idiocy the this person purports on a regular basis. But most preferably, perhaps I would have lost all control of my bodily movements and therefore thrown said co-worker through the large window we look through every day.


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