24 October 2006

Same Old Song

Inspiration: Crazy Carl (thanks guy)

Riding home from dodgeball tonight, my roommate Carl and I were reminiscing about old songs. He brought me back to middle school by offering that there are still those certain songs that remind him of his past: girls, sports, college, girls, drugs...you get the point. Here are a few that popped into my small head as I began to ponder those poignant, poetic progressions of the past. ( French 1, Alliteration 0)

A real obvious one to me: Thunderkiss 65 by White Zombie. We used to listen to this in the lockeroom before kickoff at football games. It got me sort of pumped up, but then that one dude that I played with--clearly on 'roids--would grab my facemask and blast my helmet with his. Thanks, Tim. I needed a concussion before the game, you fuck. I miss high school football unrelentingly.

Long December, Counting Crows. My high school object of affection loved this song, and I bought the album it headlined as a Christmas gift for her. She called me Christmas night to go see a movie (no idea what movie); her calling me to do anything was rare enough, but on Christmas night? Anyway, she showed up drunk, drove us to the Revere 14 and we made out to Long December. She dumped me shortly thereafter because I wasn't enough of a challenge...and also because I wouldn't sleep with her. Nice work, Mom and Dad. Love that Catholic upbringing.

Flowing, 311. Taking myself back to a darker time, I fell in love with E in college. My buddy and I locked ourselves in a dormroom for nearly three months (except to play catch...we found this to be the best way to take our minds off of how FUCKING AWFUL we felt coming down). We would listed to 'Flowing' over and over, and play Mario Golf. It was glorious, until the night we went barreling through a very thick and heavy glass door on our balcony. YIKES. Lots of blood, lots of questions. The common answer? "Oh, uh...we were uh, oh fuck it. We were wicked fucked up."

Audioslave, Like A Stone. This one has a tight grip on my balls and my heart strings. (We French are romantics, so baisse mon derriere) After I broke up with my latest ex, I listened to this song so many fucking times, often drunk and depressed. It was tough, lay off. But it was kind of our song, as much as I hate that cliche. Imagine that as a wedding song? "Honey, look. No one's dancing. In fact, they're all doing heroin. I think we made a huge mistake picking this song..."

I may come back to this one at a later date because it's a sweet topic.


richlevine said...

Doesn't the song "Pet Sounds" by the Beach Boys remind you of that time you dropped a phonograph needle on Bill Brasky's nipple?

Anonymous said...

Great scene in the movie High Fidelity is when the main guy organizes his entire record collection Autobiographically.