27 July 2007

Farewell, Dynisco

Dynisco, sweet Dynisco, I'm parting ways.
Hopefully my future holds much brighter days.

It's not that I truly despised my time here,
It's really the commute from which I choose to steer clear.

I've learned that a sensor comes in so many types,
And also that KR passes the buck on most gripes.

I'll miss the main men's room; stall #3.
I paid my last visit, alas, just to pee.

We were best of friends, that third stall and I,
I fed it, I loved it, that thing's heard me cry.

I got sick in there once, tossed up me grits,
Tossed up me bangers and then had the shits.

I speak highly of that stall 'cause we were quite the pair,
'Twas where I was most productive in all my days there.

I'll miss Uncle Roy and his lunchtime guarantee,
"If my food doesn't make you shit, then it's free."

The cards games at lunch were the highlight of the day,
And all the ways we could surmise that Doug was surely gay.

A lot of you won't understand what this poem is all about.
But go work at Dynisco and you'll soon figure it out.

There. That is my farewell to the good people at Dynisco and to the Sensors Sales Team that served as my family for the past 9 months. Godspeed, gentlemen.


Anonymous said...

i think you may be the only person that has had as many jobs as I have. yikes.

Anonymous said...

The best part of your new job is that you will get part of your life back, now that you won't have to commute back and forth to Franklin. My mother just left a shit job that required overtime with an even worse commute. Her new job isn't her dream job (just like your new job won't be either -- my opinion), but at least she has more time for herself everyday ... like you will have (I assume). Good luck, brother, as you venture into another corporate spot. May the powers that be bring Hollywood, Sportscenter, or Bob Lobel's job to you someday, since that's where you ultimately belong. Keep up that running and health/food investigating; it's keeping you on the top of your game! xo, jen

Anonymous said...

Good thing Jen is around to leave comments, otherwise, by the looks of all the others, you may get the sensation that no one likes you.

Try to squeeze at least 10 months out of this next gig brother, you're beginning to look like you are someone who bores easily. Between you, me and the entire interweb, you know that's not the case. You're still working on that "Teach shapes to your mildly retarded kids" game I gave you last year for Christmas. . . the square is the orange one, the orange one.

Much love.


Anonymous said...

You could always try your hand at Dunkin Donuts commercials again if the next gig doesn't work out. And weren't you in a music video once, for that song "Popular"

Anonymous said...

Bon chance, mon fils! Please give some serious thought to that e-mail I forwarded to you this morning about getting a teaching degree. You would make a great teacher and coach, you know, and you'd still have time to write. Couldn't get much better than that. Good retirement benefits, as well. What ever you decide on, finally, as your life's career, we will support you.