26 April 2007

Inquiring Minds...

Against my better judgement, I am posting this head shot to accompany the previous post regarding the audition. And yes, this is pretty much as good as it gets for me in terms of a beard. But notice the girth of my moustache.
Fire away, boys...
Special thanks to the talented Jen Benoit for making this delightful head shot possible. I'm really feeling that friendly, neighborly/slimy, womanizing douchebag look we were going for.


BeachBum said...

If they ever need extras for 'Rounders 2' you're a shoe in.

Charles said...

I was thinking before that the look on my face suggests that someone is interrupting me as I'm trying to light a butt.

"Could you shut the fuck up for one second so I can light this thing?"