10 September 2008

What WILL They Think of Next?

Ever have those moments where you say that to yourself? I had one last night as I watched the new JJ Abrams drama, Fringe (hooked me instantly, by the way). It was a commercial for one of the newest diabetes monitors to hit the market and the come in 4 fashionable colors so you can personalize your diabetes. I had many thoughts flood my brain after this commercial. For one, I wish they had Wilford Brimley do this ad. "Check your blood sugar; check it often. And pimp your diabetes monitor; pimp it hard. You have diabetes...there's just no reason for you to not be cool and have diabetes." I wonder if they'll come out with covers for the monitors so you can be moody with it. Don't want your monitor to be blue today? Fine, use the black cover. Or the yellow one. You have options...you may have diabetes, but you have options with your monitor and its color. Don't let diabetes run your life, and don't let your diabetes monitor leave you in a fashion conundrum. There's just no reason not to have a cool diabetes monitor.

Why have we not seen the pimped out wheelchair or motorized scooter yet? With all the shootings we hear about on the news and all the gang-related shit out here in LA, there's got to be a market for wheelchairs with 36" rims and spinners to boot. What about a lowrider wheelchair? Or one with fucking hydraulics?? So you can't walk, fuck it. Blast Dre and bump down that sidewalk. I know someone could make money doing this. Could give new meaning to the term 'ambulance chaser'...not just for lawyers anymore.

I also don't feel like we're doing enough with the keychain. People of the 80's had some serious issues with the janitor-style keychain...unless this was only a symptom of my aunt Joanie and her daughters. I recall shit like bandannas on there, like forty-six some-odd keys of various uses, a few mini, stuffed cats, a Vegas-themed thing and some other shit. Nowadays, the keychain is reserved for cards that link us to various clubs. CVS. Stop & Shop or Ralph's or whatever your local grocer is. The gym. Petco. What have you. Most people have a car device on there that locks and unlocks. My dad has always been a proponent of the mini Swiss Army knife on his and I think this is one of the best ideas ever. You have a small blade, a file, a screwdriver and a toothpick at all times. Beauty. But this is what I mean...shouldn't we be taking greater advantage of the one part of us that never leave home without? Shouldn't there be an iPod that hooks to our keys? It would have to be tiny like the Shuffle, of course. I'm always wishing I had tic tacs, but I know if those bastards made a container that attached to my keychain, I'd buy them more often. Same with gum. I don't know, it just seems like we need more from our keychains.

Wow, a remake of Tainted Love just came on in Coffee Bean. It's one I haven't heard yet and it's pretty nice. Anyone know who this might be? On other musical fronts, I'm due some congratulatory remarks on account of finally downloading iTunes to my laptop. I no longer have to screw up my lady's iTunes with my devil music.


Anonymous said...

RE: the Swiss Army Knife on the keychain - you forgot to mention the tweezers! So, it's a knife blade, a file/screwdriver, a scissors, a toothpick, AND a tweezers. Neat, n'est pas?

kos said...

The Tainted Love cover might be by Marilyn Manson. I know he does a good version of it.
I love the Swiss Army Knife keychain! To bad I lost mine because security at the airport took it. Bastards!

kos said...

The cover could be by a shit ton of people I just found out. Look up the song on wikipedia it gives about 40 different artists that have covered it. I'm curious to hear the static x version now. Anyway hope you find the version you are looking for.

BeachBum said...

Better yet, Mr New To iTunes, look it up on iTunes and you can hear a sample of the song. You find the one you want, you buy it.