03 September 2008

Red Means Stop, Green Means Go. Yellow Means...

Please enjoy the following account for how my brain reacts to seeing a traffic light turn yellow as I approach an intersection.

Light is green, brain is set to easy, comfy mode. Foot remains lightly pressed on the gas pedal, speed in maintained, passenger (Lauren) in a stationary and apparently content state.

Light turns yellow, brain immediately pukes out a command to my right foot to jerkedly depress the brake in one, quick motion. Speed drops considerably, car jolts a bit, passenger jerks forward then back, looks considerably annoyed and kinda pissed.

Light remains yellow, just a split second after it turned at this point. Brain flip flops, pukes out another genius command to jam on the gas. Speed increases significantly, car jolts a lot and passenger's head hits the headrest rather impactfully. Passenger totally pissed, starts to offer audible complaints/barbs in my direction.

Light turns red as car approaches intersection, brain sends final command to foot to apply enough pressure to the brake pedal to break human bones if they were underneath. Car comes to a screeching halt, passenger jerks forward with great force, settles back into seat and begins to shower me with insults and more barbs, asks what the hell is wrong with me.

I don't know why this happens every time I see yellow light.


Anonymous said...

Try practicing what we teach the kids in Driver Ed, i.e., when you see the light turn yellow, treat it as if it were a RED light and STOP, if you can safely do so. According to the MA State Police, a YELLOW light is the same as a RED light, and should be treated as such.

Unfortunately, most drivers are like you and when they see a yellow light, they floor the accelerator and try to beat the light before it turns RED.

Charles said...

I think you misread my post. I ultimately stop the car but not before I go through this mental tug of war. So I'm abiding the laws of the inherently contradictory yellow light.

Jum said...

Fucking Los Angeles drivers.

BeachBum said...

David Hansen had a party one time where he told me you are a retarded driver.

Charles said...

I must be a retarded driver. The other day I was merely sitting in traffic and some woman pulled up next to me and mouthed "go back to Massachusetts (I still have my Mass plates)."

David Hansen said that Beachbum likes to drink alcohol but that he doesn't drink alcohol. You can call Beachbum and ask him, he'll probably tell you.

Jonathan said...

I am the guy right behind u saying goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! and whe u punch it, I hit the gas and then slam on the breaks only to stop inches from ur bumper....I procede to curse u out for the duration then pass u, and make sure u get a dirty look, secretly wishing u would shoot a look at me...U never do French, U know what u did....

BeachBum said...

Beachbum does like alcohol....