21 September 2007

There Do I Begin...Thus, I Continue.

I asked that you don't get me started on the bluetooth cult that exists out there right now. I asked nicely but you ignored the requests...you have no regard for my excitable fuse which only happens to be exceptionally high right now because of a certain team with certain issues and a certain pitcher that has a certain uncertainty about whether or not he actually has balls. (he remains french, though...which is so tough to swallow sometimes)

Where was I? Oh, that's right! Bluetooth. Well, I must admit that the idea of this product/service agreed with me when I first came into contact with it about five or six years ago. It was an answer to the incredibly impractical 'hands-free' sets for the car, which in my opinion actually cause you more of a struggle than simply answering your phone or making a call the regular way. Bluetooth was supposed to be a safer way to drive and talk, not a fad that ended up on the ear of the cool kids at school and the most annoying people one could ever imagine. I contend that it is still a good idea but it became something entirely different than what I thought it was meant for...of course I'm rarely right about these things anyway.

I foresee a time in our future when everyone has built-in Bluetooth capabilities; perhaps we have an installed chip in the brain, complete with satellite technology, GPS and such. We'd all walk around, seemingly talking to the people around us but in actuality, everyone is talking via the cellular, Bluetooth chip. It's going to be really weird and it will appear as if we are a completely insane society that consists of a bunch of loonies who walk around talking to themselves all the time. Upon learning of our society, the inhabitants of Mars will depress a version of the "EASY" button and destroy us all, and it will be because of Bluetooth. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Sometimes I look back on what I've just written and I wonder if there might be some things going on upstairs that need to be treated by a medical professional.

Enjoy your weekend...the last one of the summer. Suck, doesn't it? At least we have football and playoff baseball.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Playoff baseball won't be any fun without our Red Sox. If they don't get it together and start winning some games, they'll end up as a bad joke for the remainder of the year - at least until spring training starts up again.

On the subject of the bluetooth - I just happened to become a victim of such technology today. While out walking the dogs, my neighbor was also out walking his dog (same breed as mine). As he approached, he was saying something, to which I politely said "Excuse me, I didn't catch what you said". He kept right on talking, like I wasn't even there, but he was looking straight at me, and waving "hello".
Finally I realized that he was talking on the phone because he had one of those "thingys" in his ear.
Honestly! I don't get why people have to have these things.