09 October 2007


Lately I've been thinking that, more often than not, my brain is filled with a hodgepodge of stuff that makes no sense, or is just plain inane whimsy. As I've done in the past, I will share some of those recent internal ramblings with you now. Bon appetit.

1. If you could lay eggs, would you eat them? If you were to eat those eggs and one day, you laid a golden one, would you eat that one? Would you alert the local new stations?

2. Newspaper hawkers that give out a free publication in the subway stations need to understand something: due to the fact that the paper you are distributing is available on every fucking street corner in Boston, it's not really a huge convenience to have you handing them out as I leave the T station. Further, there is NO NEED for you to yell "free Metro". It's not even like you mutter it, or simply suggest taking one. You announce it, like it's this great thing and everyone should know about it. God forbid I just lose it one day and take it out on you. Just sayin.

3. Hey Michael Irvin, here's a news flash for you. Tony Romo is not that good. I've been saying this for a year now and no one has listened. He's maybe a little above avegare, tops. 5 INTs last night on the grand stage of MNF? Are you kidding? And these were pretty much all bad throws, bad decisions, bad bad bad. Something to ponder: how good would T.O. be if Tom Brady was throwing to him?

4. One thing you never want to spill in a gym bag: a huge container of instant oats. It gets into EVERYTHING. Also a bad thing to spill in a gym bag: vomit.

I think there will be a continuance for now...more tomorrow.


BeachBum said...

What's in the egg? I think that if I were to lay an egg, there wouldn't be yolk in it, but some other material I wouldn't be prone to injesting.

Besides, if I could lay eggs I would be pimping my talents out to any TV show that would have me. This would mean me eating at nice places and not dealing with my own layings.

If it were a golden egg, I would promptly put it up on Ebay and be set for life.

I imagine laying an egg would be a fairly uncomfortable process, as well, so frankly I hope to skip the entire ordeal.

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, we've probably all laid an occasional egg in our lifetimes (not the edible variety). I imagine laying an egg, then ingesting it, would probably be akin to eating your young, n'est ce pas? Besides, if we did lay eggs, we would not be mammals, now would we? We'd probably resemble the platypus, or something equally bizarre.

I am beginning to wonder what effect that Tegretol had on your gray matter. If thoughts such as those mentioned in this most recent posting are any indication, maybe you should seek professional help?!? Occasionally, however, there are signs of true genius emanating from said gray matter, so , maybe you are normal, in some sense of that word.

Keep posting! This stuff you just can't get elsewhere.

Charles said...

Aha, I'm so glad that two of my most loyal readers chose to comment on the egg-laying. Naturalement, mon pere decided to take it to the mammalian level and yes, this would indeed negate our mammalianism. I find it very interesting that you should bring up the platypus in the same post that I have used the word hodgepodge. Remember that commercial for the Honda Element with the platypus who uses the word hodgepodge? Anyone?

Bowen, perhaps you'd sell your golden egg to Mark Ecko on Ebay and he'd turn it into some fashionable kin to the Fabrege Egg. I chose not to comment on your remark about 'not dealing with your own layings'...

BeachBum said...

No comment needed

Anonymous said...

As a former QB, I respect your opinion of Romo. I told my friend that he would blow up this year and I was correct until monday night. I got nothing on the egg thing. I guess eggs and gold are both good.