28 January 2008

Look, A Wagon Wheel.

The recent talk of Salute Your Shorts in the comment section of the last post has lead to a few realizations. One, TV sucks. It used to be so much better, and I really miss some of the shows that I grew up with. Two, I loved that Time for Timer commercial...hankering for a hunk of cheese. I'm pretty sure Family Guy spoofed that commercial in an episode, which was unreal. Here's a brief list of shows I'd love to see back on tv. I mean, if Nick at Nite is going to play reruns of Who's the Boss, why can't they broaden those parameters to a few shows that were actually worth watching? Granted, when Alyssa Milano eventually sprouted on that show, it was nearly worth watching. Ahh yes, fond memories of being a pre-pubescent boy.

1. Danger Mouse.

Come on now. Characters names Pinfold, Baron Von Greenback...this is the single greatest cartoon of all time...well, maybe it's a tie between DM and Ren and Stimpy.

2. Ren and Stimpy

Who can forget Ren's beloved ice cream bar? Our supplies are dangerously low...fortunately, we had to eat what was left of the ship. The reason why your boyfriend doesn't love is...is probably because you're too styoopid. Sure, I'm randomly quoting episodes but who cares. What about Powdered Toast Man? Good Lord.

3. Salute Your Shorts

'Nuff said in the comments for the previous post. Donkey Lips had the greatest lisp of all time.
Plus his name was Donkey Lips. Amazing.

4. You Can't Do That On Television

Blue skies, Barfy Burgers, GIRLS...hey, it's where Alanis got her start. Little did she know that having slime dumped on her would be the highlight of her career.

5. Yo! MTV Raps

May this show rest in peace. Where's Flav?


Anonymous said...

I totally agree that "TV Sucks" today. We've become too liberal in allowing what used to be taboo on TV! Par example, last night, while watching reruns of "Law & Order", a "KY Lubricant" commercial came on and I just could not believe what I was seeing and hearing! We can't pray in school any more, we can't say the "Pledge of Allegiance" because it mentions GOD, and that would offend some child, and yet, they allow such things as sexually explicit ads and TV shows, violent and sexually explicit movies and video games, which children have free access to. And the language allowed now in both movies and TV - Damn! I have to agree, the TV shows of yesteryear were far more wholesome and acceptable for ALL audiences. My only question is, What programs are you guys referring to? I don't even remember any of them (except, maybe, Ren and Stimpy). I guess you guys and gals are a bit young to remember the "classics", like "I Love Lucy", "Leave It To Beaver", "Lassie", "The Waltons", "The Ed Sullivan Show", Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Red Skelton, Johnny Carson, Jack Benny - those were the days of great TV shows, and they NEVER had to resort to sexual inuendos to be funny, or entertaining. To really understand me, I guess you would have to go out and rent/purchase videos of the aforementioned TV shows. If you do, you will be treating yourself to some great humor, without once hearing a foul word or phrase.

OK! I've said my piece! Nice to see two blog entries in a day, though! Can't say I know any of the "locker room" gentlemen you refer to. Been a while since I've set foot in a gym/health club locker room, but I'll take your word for it. Write on!!

Go Pats!!

BeachBum said...

I have to disagree (respectfully, if that's possible; it is me writing after all). I think we tend to sentimentalize our childhood shows into something better than they were. Christ, look at the Brady Bunch. That show was terrible, yet everyone keeps pining for it.

Television today is more innovative (Lost), intelligent (House), funny (The Office, Family Guy) and informative (anything on Discovery Channel) than what we grew up with.

The problem with today's television isn't quality, it's dilution. There are more quality shows on today than ever before, it's just a question of finding them. Showtime, HBO, AMC, USA, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Bravo, Discovery, even ESPN have had excellent programming on during this past year. The problem is the shows are no longer readily available (which explains the emerging growth of TV on DVD).

When we were kids there were three or four major channels. Now there are literally hundreds. You just can't find all the shows that are out there.

As for becoming too liberal, all we're doing is catching up with the rest of the world. If you have ever seen any European television, you know what I mean. Besides, I'm all for seeing more skin and those KY ads are hysterical.

Anonymous said...

Beachbum: guess I'm just an "old fogey". I can't possibly watch all the channels offered today! I used to like having only 3 channels. It made it so much simpler to find something. Hell, until about 5 years ago, my TV set had KNOBS! My children were so embarrassed to bring friends over that they got together one Christmas to buy me a new TV - with a REMOTE! Then, they HAD to get me a UNIVERSAL REMOTE, which I had to program to make it work. Now, I'm the only one who can turn on the TV set, the Tuner, the DVD player and the Cable box, because nobody else wants, or cares, to take the time to learn how! Hell, it all goes on with ONE BUTTON! How difficult can that be?

But, I digress. I never was a fan of the Brady Bunch - way too smarmy for me. That program is not that old, anyway. I like some of the programs today, but I can't get over how every show has to outdo the other by showing more and more cleavage, legs, whatever! The writers and directors must think they are creating shows for a nation of voyeurs. I don't find any of that necessary to the story line. The great films of yesteryear didn't have to resort to those kinds of tactics to create such blockbusters as "Gone With the Wind", To Kill a Mockingbird", "North by Northwest", et alia.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I am with Beachbum on this one. KY ads are pretty much the only reason why I watch tv. I also have to state for the record that everytime I've seen an old show, sexual innuendo is the pervading factor to any funnyness within the program. I would say that the biggest difference between today's tv and tv of the 50's and 60's is that the sexual jokes are in your face now and previously they had to resort to innuendo to make people laugh. Watch a single episode of "I love Lucy" (your example, not mine) and the sexual innuendo is so over the top, it's actually pretty sad (e.g. let's see how many balls Lucy can stuff in her mouth episode). That being said, I think you're pretty awesome Son Pere because you're always a positive voice of reason on this here blog and the world thanks you, even if your views are out of touch, overly hopeful and naive in a gentle, smelly old man in a rocking chair who just pissed himself and doesn't know it sort of way.

Gilbert Von Shnittzel

Anonymous said...

Did you really mention danger mouse? That show was unreal. So when did it become okay to post entire blogs as responses to blogs? May be time to dust off the old computer son pere, and set out on your own blogging adventure. My current favorites are: nip/tuck, south park, family guy, the office, and I like that show rules of engagement. If only the writers would come back we could have seasons lasting longer than 4 episodes.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Ponch! Didn't mean to be so verbose - won't happen again.

Gilbert - I resent your likening me to a "smelly old man in a rocking chair who just pissed himself and doesn't know it". That's not fair, because you never met me. If you had, you would never describe me in that way!

Tell him, French!!

Charles said...

I knew this day would come...the blog commenters have started rioting.

Pop, I know Gilbert very well and you've got to realize that he's totally being facetious here. He knows that you're a spry sexagenarian with the heart of a late teen. You've seen the way he busts on me, so welcome to the club! That was your initiation, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Absolutely love it.

-Son Pere Gilbert

Anonymous said...

Easy gee. You better bring your umbrella, cause I'll be raining jumpers. Just remember the shots I was pulling out on your home court in Beverly. Whats up with all of your anonymous followers? I realize it requires quite a mammoth undertaking to sign up for a Google account. I have met son pere and can attest he is quite vivacious.

Lets Go Giants!!!!!!! The Big Blue Wrecking Crew is finally back.

Anonymous said...

I like your choice of shows, however I would leave our Ren and Stimpy and put in Rocky and Bullwinkle. I haven't seen much danger mouse but I'll take your word that it was good. It would be amazing if the writers strike would end! I'd like a Scubs series finale!

Anonymous said...

Gilbert: I apologize, man. I didn't realize you were being facetious. I hope I didn't offend. Guess I've got some learning to do.

French, mon fils, I agree with Ponch that there are way too many "Anonymous" responders to your blog. Wish they would step up and be accountable for their comments. If you talk trash anonymously, it gets disregarded out of hand.

Just my opinion. Go Pats!!

BTW, has anyone seen the Pats "injury report" which came out yesterday? Not a mention of "the ankle"!