28 December 2008

Wait For It...


Ok, so this isn't going to be one of those classic French update posts, wherein I carmelize several inane and few pertinent points of (non)interest. But it's coming, hence the "wait for it..." I'm itching to write it, though. Just ITCHING.

But before I can, I have to take care of some business on le blog. Chuck, you there pal? (not to be confused with you, Pop...another Chuck altogether and anyway, the day I start calling you "Chuck" is the day I start going by "Chazz", with two z's) To give everyone else a little insight into this beckoning, Chuck and I sat together on my recent return trip to LA, and I/we have a story to tell. I mean I do, but I need Chuck's help. Email me, big guy. cab1979@gmail.com

My bedroom is a cool 59.3 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. I woke up with a cold, wet nose and the shivers. Where the fuck am I, Massachusetts? Oh that's right, I left the icy tundra for the blue skies and palletable temperatures of Southern California. So why the fuck am I wearing long underwear INSIDE MY APARTMENT??? Please help.


Frigid and French in Venice


Jum said...

When I saw there was a new post, I assumed it was you announcing that you started another blog. I was a bit disappointed to see that you hadn't.

pacing the cage said...

still waiting.