18 April 2008

...And We're Back

You know, just because I posted the lyrics to 'Hurt' doesn't mean I'm suicidal. It certainly could but I'm not. I'm thinking I still have quite a bit to live for, so let's just knock off those thoughts of despair and remorse. At least for now...for now. I've always had a flair for the dramatic.

I've recently realized that is T S Eliot had been reversely named S T Eliot, his name backwards would read 'toilets'. Too bad, really. Thomas Stearns could easily have been Samuel Thomas, or some shit. I wish my name backwards spelled 'toilets'.

When did Pepperidge Farm start making Goldfish with an eye and a smiley face? Where have I been? Goldfish, by the way? Maybe the number one snack of all time...oh, there we go! Finally, some fucking positive inspiration for a blog. This blog is dedicated to all those teachers who told me I'd never amount to nothin'. And all the brothers in the struggle.

Although I've only had them once, Dunkaroos are awesome. Any snack that involves cookies and a separate tray of frosting to dip the aforementioned cookies in is tops in my book. You don't just eat, you dunk-a-roo.

I have to go, but I will revisit the snack issue. Some ponderables for later posts as well, or a look into the French future if you will:

Manny's swing and the effects on my heart

500 HR

The perfect beer

Homeless people

Enormous dogs


Jum said...

I find it funny that you mention Goldfish, as my likely next post will feature a story involving Goldfish.

Dunkaroos were the bomb, I always ate the cookies separate and dunkarooed my finger in that wonderful icing.

Anonymous said...

Nice Biggie shout out. Which fab five mix was that from? Dunkaroos were pretty tight. The best thing our school cafeteria had were little slush puppies that we poured skittles into. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

For the perfect beer, look no further than Magic Hat. Amber waves of snood?

Anonymous said...

Still got a long way to go, to get to the next great American novel.

P.S. Spelling error before T.S. Eliot..... is should be if

Anyway from Pacific Palisades California, Tell Lauren I say Hi


EasyE said...

Dunkaroos rocked the housage like sausage but another elementary snack staple were shark attack fruit snacks. The girl who used to sit next to me in 4th grade hated the hammer-heads so guess who was there to take those delicious fruity morsels? THIS GUY!! Pretty much saved my life in the 4th grade.

pacing the cage said...

Dunkaroos were solid. However, I was only a fan of the vanilla frosting with sprinkles, not the chocolate. Also, regarding your with the lyrics to Hurt, I believe that Trent Reznor's version is better, however, the video for Johnny Cash's version was tremendous. As for your next blog, I'd like to hear what you have to say about enormous dogs, or, more to my liking, dogs with enormous heads.