Here are the 5 most common songs sung in the cluster of cubes that I am a part of at my wonderfully unfulfilling job:
1. "Against All Odds", Phil Collins
About five minutes ago, three of us were whistling the tune at the same time. And pretty much every other hour or so, someone will be heard singing the chorus...this is historically followed by a resounding chorus of "you're so gay, man."
2. "Low Rider", War
It's on the music channel in our office and yes, I know I've mentioned it before but it's ubiquitous 'round these here parts. All my friends know the Low Rider. Ask them.
3. "Crazy", Gnarls Barkley
Shady, the guy who sits next to me, has it as his ringtone and his cell phone rings probably anywhere from three to fourty-six times a day. Does that make me crazzay? You betcha. Does that make Shady crazy? No, just flamingly gay.
4. "Blinded By The Light", Manfred Mann
Another hit from the music channel here at the office. I'll tell you, has there ever been anybody in the history of man who doesn't know someone who says 'douche' instead of 'deuce' where they hear/sing the chorus? It's not funny; it was never funny, shut the fuck up. You're ruining a perfectly weird song.
5. "Motorin'", Night Ranger
I am solely responsible for this song circulating around the cluster and I believe myself to be a better man for it. COME ON! Look at the chorus:
What's your price for flight
You've got him in your sight
And driving thru the night
What's your price for flight
In finding mister right
You'll be alright tonight
It's awesome. I like to throw my fist in the air the last time they go into the chorus and the guitars, bass and drums stop...them BLAST back in after he says "Motorin'".
There have been very few moments in my life where my perception of someone was completely altered after learning something. Discovering Springsteen wrote 'Blinded by the Light' was one of those moments. It was altered further when I read that song was actually about masturbation. Still haven't figured out how that can be, but I haven't figured out much about that song.
I would recommend adding 'Kick Start my Heart' by Motley Crue. Gets the blood flowing early in the morning. See if the office will add it to their playlist.
what is the complete second line to the chorus of "blinded by the light"...and furthermore what does it mean? i dont get it...
revved up like a deuce
another runner in the night
...at least i think so. a deuce was an old racing car or some shit like that.
i am a HUGE fan of "carry on my wayward son" by kansas. Hyuuuge.
Yes, 'revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night' is the line and yes, it's a slang term for a Ford...see below. By the way, nice work Hammen.
Deuce coupe is a slang term used to refer to the 1932 Ford coupe. In the 1940s, the '32 Ford became an ideal hot rod. Hot rodders would strip weight off these readily available cars and soup-up the engine. They came in two body styles, the more common "5-window" (two door windows, two quarter panel windows, and the rear window), and the rare "3-window" Deluxe Coupe that featured front opening (Suicide Doors).The very snappy looking 3-window is an unusually well executed stylish example from the Ford Motor Company.
Modern hot rods
Most newly built hot rods use fiberglasses or more expensive, newly minted, custom steel bodies. Occasionally an old hot rod body is recycled, with all new running gear. The classic model B, 1932 lines are usually closely followed with new bodies.
In popular culture
In 1963, The Beach Boys band released an album titled "Little Deuce Coupe." The band's song with the same name only heightened the popularity of the car.
The song Blinded by the Light, originally written and performed by Bruce Springsteen and later Manfred Mann, also contains lyrics that allude to a 1932 Ford coupe.
In 1973, George Lucas filmed "American Graffiti." The character John Milner (played by Paul Le Mat) drove a yellow deuce coupe. This film is credited for introducing the old style hot rod to a new generation.
The legendary duo, Bonnie and Clyde, was ambushed and killed in a Ford V-8. The car, which took approximately 130 rounds and shells of shotgun, pistol, and automatic rifile, is now on display along with the shirt Clyde died in at the Primm Valley Resort in Primm, Nevada.
3 words: "Bob Motherfucking Seger"
I (explitive) love night ranger's Motorin'!!
Holly (explitive) I just finished rubbing one out in the 2nd floor bathroom after seeing the album cover . . . love 'em. In an almost gay sort of way. I have no problem admitting that.
ponch you should rock out to wayward son on guitar hero. your love for the song would increase tenfold.
Gilbuerto, I can see you and the Keydets playing air guitar to Motorin', back in the day. Tell me you were listening to that thru headphones in fucking Fallujah as you took out the enemy, dude.
Hammen, I'm wondering if your love of Kansas Hoop translates into a love of the band Kansas...fill me in.
Not at all, actually. I couldn't name another song that Kansas does besides Wayward Son. And I didn't even really like that song a whole bunch until guitar hero came into my life and rocked my world.
French- here's a story, it's so funny you wrote that. The single deciding factor that led me to choose the Army over any other service is this: VMI, rat year, day 4; 400 hot, sweaty, tired, smelly rats all sitting in a room with a stage and a large movie screen. We were all piled in there to listen to the four services pitch the wonders of their respective corps. The navy guy gets up there and talks about wanking each other off and taking it in the ass any time you'd like. The air force guy talked about their sky blue uniforms and great quality of life. The Marine Corps guy got up and talked about killing and being the best and brightest, blah blah blah. The Army guy gets up, shuts off the lights and on comes the movie screen. The sounds of Bob Segar's "Like a Rock" start to fill the room (I was young, didn't give a care . . .) and a wonderous, slow motion odyssy of tired, hard working soldiers wiping the sweat from their brows, picking each other up out of the mud, helicopters overhead, tanks crashing through brush, automatic machine guns firing roll across the screen . . . sign me up NOW!!! Bob Segar . . . changed my life for ever. I have never stopped thanking him ever since.
Did you know Will Ferrell has said the word 'glorious' in every movie he's been in?
Hi French,
A few friends of mine told me about your blog, and it is HILARIOUS!!! I will continue to check bakc, feel free to stop by mine as well.
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