04 November 2008

When Do We Let Go?

Don't worry. I'm not going to post about letting go of anything significant. At least, not to me anyway. I want to know when it's okay to let go of old t-shirts that once had some kind of meaning. There's got to be some parameters set here, because I have so many fucking t-shirts that it's ridiculous. True, I request t-shirts from occasional travelers like my folks and friends. Well, I have...maybe not so much lately (except for this summer when I asked for a t-shirt from Mt Rushmore since my folks were visiting...I had to settle for a postcard which really isn't the same but hey, you can't hang a t on the fridge) but as a result of this and a former addiction to t-shirts, I have managed to stockpile enough t-shirts to outfit a small village in the Congo.

I figure there's gotta be some categorical listing for the types of t-shirts that I have, so I will break them down into various groups as follows.

1, Jerseys

I used to have a ton of jerseys, and by jerseys I mean replicas of pro athletes either past of present. Over the years, I've had Jalen Rose's Michigan jersey, his Nuggets jersey and his Pacers jersey; Steve Francis' Rockets jersey; Todd Collins Michigan jersey; a Brady Pats jersey which has mysteriously vanished sometime recently; Charles Woodson's Michigan jersey...that might be it. I have zero now. I know where two of them are because I gave them away to Ponch and his brother Scwartz for sentimental reasons. So I know they're in good hands. However, it is not my nature to throw jerseys away. I just remembered that I was coaxed into giving my Jalen Nugs jersey to another college roommate who was in love with weed. He figured wearing a shirt that read "Nuggets" would further his display of affection for marijuana. Anyway, I digress. This category need not be mentioned since I have none of these to sift through. Moot point. For the record though, the Woodson jersey is the best one in this group.

2. Number tees

Any t-shirt that represents a team from my past has been kept. I cannot part with these, at least not in terms of throwing them out. For some reason I feel it necessary to wear a t-shirt from a team that went 0-8 in college flag football. I just can't get rid of them unless they are passed on. Between Nate, Josh, Ponch and myself, I have to think we've cycled through upwards of 50 of these things over the course of 15 years. They're keepsakes, aren't they? Yeah, keepsakes. That's the one.

3. Old Championship tees

Examples in my drawer right now: 2004 ALCS Champions T-shirt and a C's 2008 NBA Champions T-shirt. I've honestly done work to whittle down this collection over time, and now I'm a little upset that I did. Occasionally I'll see someone with an '85 AFC Champions tee or a really old school C's NBA Champs tee. They're vintage and they're awesome. I'm not sure why I hold onto the '04 ALCS tee and in fact, I think that's gonna go in my next batch of donated clothes. I guess these need to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

4. Random team tees

I feel as though these always have a place in my drawer because for the most part, I bought these kinds of tees on location. For instance, from our voyage cross the motherland I picked up a KU tee, a San Francisco Giants tee and a Vail, CO tee. I know, the Vail tee has no sports meaning but still. I like to wear it because my resident headmaster Neal will call me an elitist yuppie when he sees it. I have to laugh, since we stayed there off season and on a Hotwire.com rate at the Lodge. Economy lodging, bro. If I'm an elitist, then I just voted for McCain. I also have a few USC tees courtesy of the headmaster and his son's status as a matriculator there, and a few NYU tees for the same reason. I don't think I'll find cause to part with these; at least, I hope not. Obligatory plug for Lauren here: hi baby.

5. Gym tees

Generally my gym tees are those of the ripped sleeve variety. I'd like to say that I do this because it's easier to move my arms without the sleeves, but that's a bunch of boloney. Or bologna. How the fuck do we get bah-low-nee from that? Anyway, I like to see my muscles at work at the gym, even though I'm a super far cry from being "big". It makes me feel like I'm making progress. So I have about four or five of these and they're on rotation. They'll hopefully always have a spot in my drawer.

6. Plain tees

Due to the poorboy price points of H&M, I've added 6 colored tees in recent times. I can't seem to pass up a $5 tee, and they're very comfortable. I also have about 12 others from various shops and they have no expiration date. I've also found that a plain tee and a pair of jeans is kind of the unwritten law of the male wardrobe out here in LA. It's acceptable to "dress up" out here in the aforementioned attire, which is pretty great. So as far as I can tell, this ever-growing staple in my wardrobe may never cease.

All of this having been said, I had a problem justifying the conglomeration of tees today. I parted with a dozen or so tees that probably fit into one or two of these categories, but I hadn't worn them since I've been here and more than likely, I haven't worn them in years. That's grounds for dismissal.


On the odds-n-ends front, I noticed last night while watching the Office that 'Scranton' backwards spells 'not narcs'. Kinda weird.


BeachBum said...

Do not - repeat DO NOT - get rid of that 2004 ALCS shirt. Keep in mind that wearing that out will cause every Yankee fan that sees it to mutter and curse to himself.

If there was ever a keeper, that's the one.

I usually keep them until they start looking raggedy. Then they become dust rags, then trash. My poor shirts.

Anonymous said...

My favorite "jersey", granted my only jersey, is my County Cork Corcaigh (Rebels) football/hurling shirt. It's wonderfully obscure yet hails from my family's homeland. They are not very good, quite possibly the worst team in the Gaelic Athletic Association which by itself is like the triple a of European soccer, but they've been around for like 1200 years. Which makes it that much more awesome!


Krechmer said...

On the weed front I hope you noticed that MA just passed the bill decriminilizing marijuana. so why did I move to AMS? Also, yes i enjoy the sleeveless tees at the gym. let the guns breathe boy, let 'em breeve.

Jum said...

I too had the Jalen Rose Nuggets jersey, as well as a Nuggets jersey of Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, which was my pride and joy.

Gotta watch out with those gym tees, the Sleeve Monster will get them every time, rooooaaaarrrrrr!!!

pacing the cage said...

French, it had been ages since I posted or checked my last post for comments...and tonight I saw yours. I am genuinely thrilled that the 2007 AVSH disc has not only brought you joy, but been there to mark specific moments in your life. Music is a constant in my life, as certain songs have their time and place for all of us. 2008 is coming soon...check my blog for details. Come to Louisville for the Derby.

pacing the cage said...

also, getting rid of clothes is an extremely difficult task for me. I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

didnt i give you back the white woodson jersey? i still have to get that cuno shirt to nate. i rocked the mcpherson summer league shirt until it died. i think i gave it a good life. i still have some of your other ones in storage.